Invitation to tree decorating contest

Invitation to tree decorating contest

Student clubs & college departments can participate

Invitation to tree decorating contest

Posted On: 11/08/23

The Horticulture Club is bringing back the Christmas Tree Decorating Contest again this year.

Five trees in planters are available – therefore, the contest is limited to the first five student clubs or employee departments that sign up.

  • Each participating club/department will be assigned a tree.
  • The Hort Club is encouraging participants to embrace the theme of "nature-friendliness" in their tree decorations.
  • The judging date will be Thursday, Nov. 30.
  • The department or club that best embodies the "nature-friendly" theme in their tree decoration will be awarded a prize.

So, gather your team, brainstorm ideas, and get ready to turn your Christmas tree into a masterpiece that highlights the beauty of nature.

The deadline to register your department or student club is Nov. 22 or when five trees have been claimed. For registration and inquiries, please reach out to Katelynn Ohrt at