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10 students use 'DDP' to transfer

10 students use 'DDP' to transfer

Cording ceremony welcomes students to GSU

10 students use 'DDP' to transfer

Posted On: 10/25/23

A "Welcome Cording Ceremony" including KCC students who transferred to Governors State University was held the week of Oct. 16 at GSU.

"It was a heartwarming event celebrating the hard work and dedication of DDP (Dual Degree Program) students who completed their associate degrees at community colleges and transferred to Governors State University," said Morgan Langer, a transfer adviser at Kankakee Community College.

KCC Transfer Adviser Pamala Stanley also attended the ceremony.

Ten KCC graduates transferred through the DDP program to Governors State for the Fall 2023 semester. They are:

  • Thomas Daily (below, center) of St. Anne, who earned a KCC Associate in Science transfer degree. He also received a Dual Degree Program scholarship.
  • Laretta Graves of St. Anne, who earned a KCC Associate in Arts transfer degree
  • Kelsie Hiatt of Bourbonnais, who earned a KCC Associate in Arts transfer degree
  • Zierra Hill of Kankakee, who earned a KCC Associate in General Studies degree.
  • Edward Horath of Manteno, who earned a KCC Associate in Science transfer degree.
  • Heather Keene (below, left) of Kankakee, who earned both a KCC Associate in Arts transfer degree and the General Education Core Credential. She also received a Dual Degree Program scholarship.
  • Rodolfo Leal (at right) of Bradley, who earned a KCC Associate in Arts transfer degree. He also received a Dual Degree Program scholarship.
  • Vanessa Moss of Momence, who earned both a KCC Associate in Arts transfer degree and the General Education Core Credential.
  • Andrew Snider of Kankakee, who earned both a KCC Associate in Arts transfer degree and the General Education Core Credential.
  • Arika Stanley (below, right) of Watseka, who earned a KCC Associate in Arts transfer degree.

To learn more about the Dual Degree Program, email transfer@kcc.edu or visit www.govst.edu/ddp.