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Community survey underway

Community survey underway

Please share your opinions about KCC

Community survey underway

Posted On: 09/13/23

KCC is conducting a brief online survey to determine how the college is perceived. Community members, college staff, and current students are invited to participate. .

It should take 10-12 minutes.

Survey participants (except for KCC employees) can register for a random drawing to receive one of these prizes:

  • $100 Amazon® digital gift card [ 3 will be awarded ]
  • Apple Airpods® [ 2 will be awarded ]

Voluntary participation: Completion of the survey is voluntary. No identifying information will be associated with your responses. All results will be reported in aggregated form.

Anonymous: The online survey is designed to keep your responses anonymous. Your responses will not be associated with any identifying information in any reports generated from the survey.

Survey contents: The survey asks about your overall perceptions of KCC and specific experiences that you may have had with KCC. Basic demographics are also collected to assess the representativeness of the sample.

Please click on this Survey Link to complete the survey. Thank you for your consideration in this important effort.