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Meet with local employers

Meet with local employers

Fall Job Fair at KCC

Meet with local employers

Posted On: 08/24/23

On Thursday, Sept. 21, Kankakee Community College will host a Fall Job Fair from 9 a.m. - noon in the KCC College Center.

The event is open to the public and veterans are encouraged to attend as well. Admission is free to all who attend. Employers will conduct on site, pre-screening interviews for full and part-time positions.

“The job fair is to bridge the gap between local employers and job seekers,” said Cesar Avalos, coordinator of workforce opportunities at KCC. “We want to enhance job seekers’ experiences by providing them the opportunity to meet and talk with representative from a broad spectrum of companies to discuss available positions and personally submit their résumé to recruiters.”

Anyone who needs help with resumes can visit KCC’s Career Services Center for assistance before the event, Avalos said.

An employer registration form and list of employers who have signed up for the Job Fair are at www.kcc.edu/jobfair.

KCC is located at 100 College Drive in Kankakee, south of downtown Kankakee.

The Job Fair is sponsored by KCC’s Charlton Family Foundation Career Services Center.