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145 plants donated

145 plants donated

Thank you Bailey Nurseries!

145 plants donated

Posted On: 04/25/23

On April 19, Bailey Nurseries donated 145 assorted plants to KCC.

They included buttonbush, dogwood, hibiscus, hydrangeas, lemon meringue potentilla, spiraea, candy coralberry, shinning sensation weigela, and thuja planet earth.

The "seed was planted" for the donation when Katelynn Ohrt, director of the KCC Agriculture/Horticulture program, took students to visit Bailey Nurseries' Onarga location. Following the visit, she and George Mateja, assistant director of grounds and horticulture at KCC, created a list of plants that could enhance the college's landscaping.

"Bailey Nurseries was kind enough to send a variety of plant material,"
Mateja said. "We appreciate the donation."

Mateja, along with Charles Riner of the grounds crew, moved the donated plants into pots on April 20.

They will be ready to go in the ground this fall. Students in Agriculture/Horticulture classes will take care of them until they are planted. The plants will be used at KCC's Riverfront Campus, North Extension Center in Bradley, near the sign at the intersection of Rout 45-52 and River Road.

Photos by Julia Hilgeman, marketing intern.