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See KCC solar installations

See KCC solar installations

FREE tours on Saturday, Sept. 24

See KCC solar installations

Posted On: 09/13/22

Kankakee Community College will be featured among over 100 solar homes, businesses, and nonprofits across the state during this year’s Illinois Solar Tour.

The solar tour of KCC’s Riverfront Campus will showcase renewable energy systemsProfessor Clay Sterling and Intro to Solar Photovoltaic students designed, constructed and maintained by KCC Electrical Engineering Technology/Renewable Energy students. Tours of KCC renewable energy systems will begin in the college’s Advanced Technology Energy Center Lobby from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 24.

Visitors will see the three photovoltaic systems at KCC: Panasonic 325 watt modules and a Outback ProHarvest inverter (5.2 kilowatt total), Mission Solar 310 watt modules with a Generac Inverter (9.9 kilowatt total), and Jinko Solar 310 watt modules with a 14K SolarEdge Inverter (9.9 kilowatt total). The college collectively produces 35 megawatt hours.

KCC has one of the oldest renewable energy training programs in the state,” said Professor Clay Sterling. “The installations are a part of the electrical program, and supply the college with electrical energy as well as supply installation and maintenance skills training.”

The Illinois Solar Tour, hosted by the Illinois Solar Education Association, is free and includes both in-person and virtual events. The tour allows the public to view real-life examples of nearby businesses and residents who have decided to cut their utility bills by going solar. 

According to the ISEA, the in-person tours across the state are designed to give Jacob Grant working on solar panelsvisitors a better understanding of renewable energy.

“The tour hopes to inspire people across the state to make sustainable energy choices that reduce costs, support energy independence, protect against power outages, and reduce carbon emissions,” according to Illinoissolar.org, the ISEA web site. “This is a chance to see affordable and practical technologies in your neighborhood that benefit the environment and are part of the solution to our nation’s energy problems.”

The tour’s website has a complete list of participating locations. KCC is listed in the central region at https://illinoissolar.org/2022-Solar-Tour-Central

Solar-photovoltaic at KCC

  • KCC is an approved training provider by the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners ® (NABCEP ®).
  • KCC is the only Photovoltaic Installation Professional trainer in Illinois, and one of only five in the 18-state region, that is accredited by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC).
  • KCC is a member of the Midwest Solar Training Network, a group of technical and community colleges, non-profit organizations, universities, and industry partners who are working together to build solar training capacity in the Midwest.
  • Professor Clay Sterling is IREC Certified Trainer for Solar-Photovoltaic and Wind energy

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