Quarantine and isolation instructions
Posted On: 01/11/22
Students, employees and visitors who have tested positive for COVID-19, or who have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, are instructed to following the Center for Disease Control quarantine and isolation instructions.
If you are exposed to someone with COVID-19
The need to quarantine depends on your vaccination status. All those who are exposed should:
- Get tested for COVID-19 at least 5 days after your last had close contact with someone with COVID-19.
- Watch for symptoms until 10 days after you last had close contact with someone with COVID-19. Isolate immediately and get tested if you develop symptoms.
- Take precautions for 10 days (wear a mask anytime you are around others, avoid travel, avoid being around people who are at high risk).
If you test positive for COVID-19 or have symptoms
- Isolate for 5 days after onset of symptoms, or 5 days from specimen collection date if no symptoms are present.
- Day 0 is the first day of symptoms or specimen collection date if asymptomatic.
- If you continue to have fever or other symptoms, or have not improved after 5 days of isolation, do not end isolation until you are fever-free for 24 hours and your other symptoms have improved.
- Continue to wear a well-fitted mask around others for 5 additional days after release from isolation. If unable to wear a mask when around others, continue to isolate for a total of 10 days.
- Avoid being around students or staff who are immunocompromised or at high risk for severe disease.
- If masks need to be removed (e.g., for lunch), ensure 6 feet of physical distancing until 10 days after symptom onset or positive test.
Complete details are on the CDC site "Quarantine and Isolation."