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Personal Enrichment Craft Classes

Personal Enrichment Craft Classes

Succulent Book Planters & Aromatherapy Accessories

Personal Enrichment Craft Classes

Posted On: 10/20/21

The Continuing Education Department at Kankakee Community College is offering a number of craft classes for personal enrichment this fall.

Each class includes a project that is completed during class and can be taken home by participants.

Participants in “Make Your Own Succulent Book Planter” will create a tabletop arrangement in a hard cover book, featuring a variety of succulents grown in KCC’s greenhouse. Participants will get helpful tips on plant selection, proper building techniques, picking the right container with favorite tricks for planting, maintenance and displaying within any home or office environment. Class meets Monday, Nov. 8 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at KCC’s Horticulture Building on West Campus. Instructors are Holly Froning and Katelynn Ohrt. Cost is $26, which includes all materials and educational handouts provided by the University of Illinois Extension Office.

In “Aromatherapy Accessories” participants will create four fashionable aromatherapy accessories: a bracelet (up to 11 inches long), sized for a man or a woman: a key fob; vent clips for a car and office; and a holiday ornament. Lava stone and wood beads will hold essential oils when you finish. Class meets Thursday, Nov. 18 from 6-9 p.m. at KCC in Room D151. Instructor is Dawn Wrobel. Cost is $19, plus a $28 material fee payable at class.

To register online, visit www.kcc.edu/comejoinus, sign up or login, then find and select the course. Click on the date and add it to your cart. Within the cart, checkout. To register by phone, or for more information, phone 815-802-8206. These classes do not award college credit.