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Higher education vaccination requirement

Higher education vaccination requirement

KCC plans and resources

Higher education vaccination requirement

Posted On: 08/31/21

On Aug. 26, Illinois Gov. Pritzker announced new vaccine requirements for higher education students and employees, including KCC. KCC is in the process of implementing changes to meet the requirements. 

Those who are vaccinated can complete KCC's vaccine verification form.

KCC students and employees who do not receive the vaccine must be tested for COVID-19 once per week, once testing becomes available at KCC. It will be saliva-based testing. The college is working to implement testing as soon as possible. If there is a gap between the governor's vaccination deadline and the date when KCC can offer testing, all students can still come to campus during that time. 

Weekly tests will be free.

After being offered at the Riverfront Campus, testing will later expand to extension centers. That information will be communicated as it becomes available.

Most KCC students who are vaccinated qualify for a free class from KCC. This is worth up to $495, which will be a credit on your account. Read all details here.

Access to college facilities will not be limited while the testing process is put in place. All students can come to the college and should continue to certify, social distance and wear masks.

The most up-to-date information, and more details, are on KCC's Coronavirus Response page and Coronavirus FAQ page.