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President's list - Summer 2021

President's list - Summer 2021

Well done!

President's list - Summer 2021

Posted On: 08/17/21

The following students have been named to the President’s List at Kankakee Community College for the Summer 2021 semester.

To be named to the President’s List, a student must maintain a grade point average of 3.80 or higher and be enrolled in six or more credit hours.

  • Alsip: Mark Johnson.
  • Ashkum: Caitlin Gerdes (pictured), Maci Romero and Lukas Tammen.
  • Bonfield: Elizabeth Bysor.
  • Bourbonnais: Paulyn Bernadit, Reygan Carlile, Rikki Damaschke, Jack Fetterer, McKenna Fred, Pacey Jones, Leanna Lee, Robert Peart, Brad Pursley, Karamarie Quinto, Diego Serna, Edmund Smith, Lucas Spencer, Molly Sutter, Jacqueline Valadez and Vasha Woods (pictured). 
  • Bradley: Liberty Fortin, Alexei Frausto, Raymond Gilbert, Christine Kem and William McDowell.
  • Buckingham: Andrew Rogers.
  • Cabery: Chloe Walsh.
  • Chicago: John Charles.
  • Cissna Park: Anna Jennings.
  • Clifton: Fallon Gray, Ashlynn Massey and Manshi Patel.
  • Coal City: Christopher Mailhiot.
  • Frankfort: Trevor Krause and Michael Zaida.
  • Grant Park: Liberty Ilg and Madison Meherg.
  • Kankakee: Layla Boule, Nicholas Cluver, Heather Counts, Britt Ehrich, Grant Goytia, Zachary Jensen, Melinda Maass, Miku Maguire, Grace Mendell, Peyton Mullin, Janet Orozco, Allen Pizano, Lucas Schejbal, Yecenia Serna-Flores, Estefania Silva, Curtis Smith, Kaitlynn Vahl (pictured), Luke Whalen, Nathaniel Whitlock and Theresa Woodle.
  • Manhattan: Mary Hoehn.
  • Manteno: Alyssa Bell, Tyson Creek, Madeline DePasquale, Darcy Gibson, Benjamin Koranda, Ramiro Luna, Jacob Smith, Luke Trepanier, Lauren Vozar and Samantha Wise.
  • Momence: Sarah Head, Kera Newberry and Claudia Pizano.
  • Reddick: Connor O'Brien.
  • Saint Anne: Brandi Chase, Tessa Coulter and Allan Lunsford.
  • Sheldon: Christopher Thibaut.
  • Thawville: Alex Gadbois.
  • Tinley Park: Zachary Morley.
  • Watseka: Sandibel Shipley, Adalie Spracklin and Jonathan Yelenick.
  • Wilmington: Hannah Maynard.
  • Jacksonville, Fla.: Latrell Wade.
  • Fair Oaks, Ind.: Anna Carlson and Greta Carlson.