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Updated mask requirements

Updated mask requirements

Some COVID-19 restrictions being lifted

Updated mask requirements

Posted On: 06/09/21


Following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, the governor’s office and the Illinois Department of Public Health, KCC is revising its mask requirement.  

Beginning Friday, June 11, individuals who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will no longer be required to wear a mask while at college facilities, both indoors and outside. This adjustment follows announcements from the CDC and IDPH which indicate that the COVID-19 vaccine provides effective protection against the virus. Therefore, those vaccinated can remove their masks in most settings. 

This change does not extend to unvaccinated individuals, who should continue to wear a mask while on college property. 

KCC will depend on the integrity of students and staff to follow the requirements based on their individual vaccine status. 

For those who have not done so already, the college also recommends getting a COVID-19 vaccine – for both the health benefits and the flexibility it now provides while at the college and in the community.

Please note: Also on June 11, the requirement to complete a self-assessment before entering a KCC facility is being removed for everyone.