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Personal enrichment webinars

Personal enrichment webinars

Non-credit workshops offered

Personal enrichment webinars

Posted On: 04/30/21

The Continuing Education Department at Kankakee Community College is offering two personal development live webinar classes this spring. 

All participants in these workshops require internet access and an email address.

“Meditate with Your Pet” is a free opportunity to help participants quiet their minds during stressful times. The presenter, Dawn Wrobel, said the healing meditation technique is pet-centered, and an effective way to mindfully connect with both your pet and yourself. Participants will spend 20 to 30 minutes mediating together with their pets. There are two live webinars to choose from: 7:30-8 p.m. on Wednesday, May 12 or 7:30-8 p.m. Wednesday, June 9. Instructor is Dawn Wrobel. Cost is FREE. 

“Tomato Grafting” has high interest among gardeners these days. Grafted plants can be expensive because supplies are scarce. Grafted plants also result in a more disease-resistant tomato crop. Participants will learn to do grafting themselves, save money and take advantage of unlimited options of varieties. The presentation will share how to practice grafting. Live Webinar will be 10-10:45 a.m. on Wednesday May 12. Instructors are Holly Froning, and Katelyn Ohrt. Cost is $20, and includes a grafting kit. Kits will be available for pick-up at KCC in the Welcome Center on Monday, May 10 between 8 a.m. -5 p.m. The kit includes grafting materials, tomato rootstock plants, tomato scion plants and the link to an instructional video. You can practice on your own or wait until the live session May 12.

To register for a class online, visit www.kcc.edu/comejoinus, sign up or login, then find and select the course. Click on the date and add it to your cart. Within the cart, checkout. To register by phone, or for more information, phone 815-802-8206. Within 24 hours of the class, participants will receive an email with a link to the session. These workshops do not award college credit.