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Motorcycle Club donates to KCC Foundation

Motorcycle Club donates to KCC Foundation

Powerful gift establishes new scholarship

Motorcycle Club donates to KCC Foundation

Posted On: 02/11/21

Another Kankakee Community College scholarship has been established to ease students’ college costs. 

The Iron Pigs Motorcycle Club donated $10,000 to the KCC Foundation. The gift creates $1,250 scholarships for up to two students per year who are pursuing careers in law enforcement or business law. 

The award is named the Larry Walters, Michael Lindgren and Steve Barney Scholarship after three local police officers. Lindgren and Walters died while serving the community. Barney, who passed away in 2018, was a founding member of The Iron Pigs Motorcycle Club.  

“This gift is powerful,” said Jennifer Zimmerman, coordinator of the KCC Foundation. “It honors these officers, and it will help students afford college, complete their degrees and change the trajectory of their lives.”

Future and current KCC students are encouraged to apply for scholarships at foundation.kcc.edu/scholarships

Applications for awards to use during the 2021-22 school year will be accepted through March 1, 2021. Only one application is needed to be considered for all of the available awards offered through the KCC Foundation. 

The Iron Pigs Motorcycle Club was formed in 2000, and has chapters nationwide. Membership includes federal agents, U.S. marshals, military personnel; and state, county, and local firefighters and law enforcement personnel. 

Since 1969, the KCC Foundation has worked to advance the mission of KCC by raising funds that support the college’s students, faculty, staff and programs.​​