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Tuition can be covered by federal funds

Tuition can be covered by federal funds

WIOA scholarships available to Kankakee County residents.

Tuition can be covered by federal funds

Posted On: 12/14/20

The federally-funded Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) has over $75,000 in scholarships available to Kankakee County residents.

The money can be used for tuition, books, exam fees, supplies, and fuel reimbursement for traveling to classes.

The scholarship money is available through the WIOA Dislocated Worker program, which offers scholarships to individuals who have been laid off for training in in-demand occupations. Each qualified individual can receive up to $10,000 in tuition, plus up to $2,500 per year in books and supplies when they are enrolled in designated college programs.

Enrollment in WIOA as a dislocated worker does not affect unemployment benefits.

The WIOA funds are administered by Kankakee Workforce Services through Kankakee Community College. For more information, or to begin the application process, visit KCC’s workforce services webpage.

Other job search services are available to those who choose not to enroll in further training.

For assistance finding a career direction, Workforce Services offers free online questionnaires to match the person’s skills with career options. A variety of Skills and Interest Surveys are on the Illinois WorkNet website for those who create an account.

All programs/services are free under the WIOA grant. Funding is provided by the Grundy Livingston Kankakee Workforce Board. 

For more information, visit wioa.kcc.edu.