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Can we get your opinion?

Can we get your opinion?

We think you’re pretty great

Can we get your opinion?

Posted On: 10/12/20

KCC truly cares about student opinions and is exploring the best ways to communicate with students.

The college is offering a survey for current students to learn what we’ve been doing well… and what you wish we would STOP doing so we can build a stronger college community!

We hope you’ll share your feedback! The survey is only open until Nov. 1, and you could win a $250 gift card from Amazon!

Current students are invited to participate at mediaprefs.com/178. Use this password: 178920

“KCC is working with Interact Communications to research the likes and dislikes of our students to learn more about how we can communicate more efficiently as an institution,” said Kari Nugent, director of marketing and public relations.

All responses will be kept confidential and non-identifiable.