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Funds are available for re-training

Funds are available for re-training

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Funds are available for re-training

Posted On: 08/12/20

Short-term training and credentials are tools people have in the path to finding employment.

The Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act is funded so qualified job seekers receive up $10,000 toward training, plus $2,500 for books/supplies per program year.

WIOA can provide scholarship opportunities for those who lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, said Mary Posing, Kankakee Community College assistant dean of continuing education and career services.

It is a time of career opportunity, with jobs and education available, especially in the area of manufacturing, Posing said.

“The manufacturing industry is in desperate need of trained workers,” said Mark Anderson, KCC’s director of manufacturing training. “Every week I receive emails and phone calls from local manufacturers looking to fill positions in welding,
machine tool, industrial maintenance, and logistics. Recently, I have been receiving emails and phone calls from manufacturers as far north as Cook County looking for trained welders and maintenance technicians. The number of manufacturing jobs available outnumber the qualified applicants. Now is a wonderful time to get trained to add to your resume or move up within your company.”

A 2018 study by one of the world’s largest accounting and professional services organizations, Deloitte, showed that 2.4 million manufacturing positions could be unfilled by 2028. There were 488,000 open jobs in manufacturing at the time of the study.

There also are people in Kankakee County who need jobs, said Posing, citing the May 2020 jobless rate of 13.5% for the county.

“Using WIOA funds for short-term training at KCC gives people a number of choices for local employment,” Posing said. “Funding is available to train people for in-demand occupations. It can be done. And it can be done without the student going into debt.”

Enrollment in WIOA as a dislocated worker does not affect unemployment benefits.

KCC offers a Manufacturing Technology program with four specializations that lead to credentials offered by organizations like Manufacturing Skills Standards Council.

“I’ve had students recently complete the two-year Manufacturing Technology AAS degree and move into management position within their company,” Anderson said. “I also have students who are right out of high school who have completed a short 14 credit hour Manufacturing Production Certificate which helped them receive high paying job offers with local manufacturers within weeks.”

“Manufacturers in the United States are experiencing some of the highest levels of growth we’ve seen in decades, yet the industry seems unable to keep up with the resulting rebound in job growth,” said Paul Wellener, vice chairman of Deloitte LLP. “With nearly 2 million vacant new jobs expected by 2028, compounded by 2.69 million vacancies from retiring workers, the number of open positions could be greater than ever and might pose not only a major challenge for manufacturers but may threaten the vitality of the industry and our economy.”

The WIOA program offers career training assistance up to $10,000 for tuition Eligibility is open to the groups, following WIOA definitions: dislocated workers, low-income adults and youth. Enrollment in WIOA as a dislocated worker does not affect unemployment benefits.

For more information, visit wioa.kcc.edu and click “Get Started,” email wiaoffice@kcc.edu or phone 815-802-8963.

Eligibility for Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act

You may be eligible for WIOA if you satisfy one or more of these requirements:

  • You have been terminated or laid off, or have received a notice of termination or layoff from employment.
  • You are eligible for, or have exhausted, unemployment insurance.
  • You are employed at a facility that will close within 180 days.
  • You were self-employed (including employment as a farmer, rancher or fisherman) but are currently unemployed as a result of general economic conditions in the community or because of a natural disaster.
  • You are a displaced homemaker who is no longer supported by another family member.

Enrollment in WIOA as a dislocated worker does not affect unemployment benefits.

Stackable programs

KCC’s Manufacturing Technology Program offers four specializations and a number of courses which lead to MSSC credentials.

Manufacturing Technology specializations are “stackable,” meaning as students take more courses in the program, they also add more credentials. The progression is:

Manufacturing Production (or Logistics) certificate > Basic Certificate > Certificate I > Intermediate Certificate > Advanced Certificate > Associate Degree

The specializations are:

  • Machine Tool
  • Industrial Maintenance
  • Welding
  • Transportation, Warehousing, Distribution and Logistics

Prepare at KCC for Manufacturing Skills Standards Council credentials

The Manufacturing Skills Standards Council is an industry-led, training, assessment and certification system focused on the core skills and knowledge needed by the nation’s front-line production and material handling workers.

Complete: MAFT 1222 - Quality and Measurement
Qualify to earn: MSSC Quality Practices and Measurement Certificate

Complete: MAFT 1312 - Intro to Manufacturing Maintenance
Qualify to earn: MSSC Maintenance Awareness Certification

Complete: MAFT 1112 - Intro to Manufacturing and Safety
Qualify to earn: MSSC Safety Certification

Complete: MAFT 1232 - Manufacturing Processes
Qualify to earn: MSSC Manufacturing Processes and Production Certification

To become an MSSC Certified Production Technician, students can complete all four certifications following these courses: MAFT 1112, MAFT 1222, MAFT 1232 and MAFT 1312.

Complete: TWDL 1113 - Certified Logistics Associate and TWDL 1223 - Certified Logistics Technician
Qualify to earn: MSSC Certified Logistics Technician