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Fast Path Information Session

Fast Path Information Session

Online event June 24

Fast Path Information Session

Posted On: 06/09/20

The Fast Path Degree program offered at KCC’s Harold and Jean Miner South Extension Center in Watseka will be featured in an online information session on Wednesday, June 24 from 6-7 p.m.

Participants can learn more about the program, which offers a schedule of two classes at a time, two days a week for two years. The program leads to an Associate in Arts transfer degree. Participants complete two classes every eight weeks.

"The support we receive from the professors and counselors in the program is more than I expected,” said current Fast Path Student Camila Ochoa. "Never in my life as a student have I had so much support from professors."

The program admits a maximum of 20 students each fall, and a laptop is included.

“Fast Path students have a support system and schedule they can rely on,” said McKinley. “We mentor, guide and coach each student. We want them to be successful. Our graduates will be ready to transfer as juniors to a four-year college or university.”

Applications are being accepted, and classes will begin in Aug. 2020. More information and application materials are at fastpath.kcc.edu.

Participants need to RSVP to sec@kcc.edu to receive session login information.