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Workforce Services is ready to help

Workforce Services is ready to help

Help is available to job seekers

Workforce Services is ready to help

Posted On: 05/06/20

Those who are laid off or out of work—whether or not due to the COVID-19 pandemic—are invited to explore different career avenues with the help of Kankakee Workforce Services, a local American Job Center.

Workforce services include helping job seekers with free resources to explore career options, linking job seekers with certificate or short-term training if necessary, reviewing resumes, giving search tips, helping with the application process, providing practice on interviewing skills, and more.

Through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Dislocated Worker program, Workforce Services provides individuals who have been laid off with scholarships for training in in-demand occupations.

WIOA participant scholarships are up to $10,000 in tuition, plus $2,500 per year for books and training-related fees and supplies. Reimbursement for fuel to travel to classes is also available. Individuals who receive unemployment insurance do not lose benefits when they enroll in a certificate or degree through WIOA.

Other job search services are available including free virtual workshops in resume writing and interviewing for success for those who choose not to enroll in further training.

For assistance finding a career direction, Workforce Services offers free online questionnaires to match the person’s skills with career options. A variety of Skills and Interest Surveys are on the Illinois WorkNet website for those who create an account.

Kankakee Workforce Services is administered by Kankakee Community College, and all programs/services are free under the WIOA grant. Funding is provided by the Grundy Livingston Kankakee Workforce Board.

For more information, visit wioa.kcc.edu or email dstomberg@kcc.edu.