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10 free non-credit classes

10 free non-credit classes

Variety of choices offered

10 free non-credit classes

Posted On: 05/01/20

The Kankakee Community College Office of Continuing Education and Career Services is offering 10 free online classes this spring.

The self-paced courses include a mix of skills for today’s changing job market, said Deb Hoyer-Denson, assistant director of Continuing Education and Career Services. The courses are normally offered for $95-$115 each. Full descriptions of the classes are at www.enrole.com/kcc/. They are:

  • Creating Web Pages Teaches basic HTML to design, create, and post a website.
  • Creating WordPress Websites - Shows how to create attractive, sophisticated blogs and websites without any coding.
  • Fundamentals of Supervision and Management - Provides skills in managing time, delegating responsibility, motivating employees, solving problems and resolving conflicts.
  • Twelve Steps to a Successful Job Search - Designed to help participants gain confidence in their ability to acquire interviews and job offers, even in a tough, competitive economy.
  • Keys to Effective Communication - Provides a step-by-step process to become a great conversationalist by using communication to build rapport, create trust, warmth and respect.
  • Managing Customer Service - Participants will discover methods to bring out their own best, and the best in others, as they serve as company ambassadors.
  • Marketing Your Business on the Internet - Shares proven methods for establishing an Internet presence and building a brand identity.
  • Personal Finance - Helps participants set clear financial goals, make the right investments, increase financial security, and be prepared to retire.
  • Small Business Marketing on a Shoestring - Includes cost effective marketing strategies that provide results with hands-on activities and real-world examples.
  • Individual Excellence - Shows how to master 12 career enhancing skills, including goal setting, time management, personal organization, creativity, financial matters and conflict resolution.

The offer expires June 30 and the course must be started before July 1. To register online, visit kcc.edu/comejoinus, sign up or login, then find the course, click on the date and add it to your cart. Within the cart, checkout. To register by phone, or for more information, phone 815-802-8207 and leave a message. A staff person will return the call within one business day.

After registering, participants will receive account access within one business day. These courses do not award college credit.