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Online learning extended

Online learning extended

Virtual campus continues until May 14

Online learning extended

Posted On: 03/20/20

Kankakee Community College will continue its shift to online-based coursework until the end of the Spring 2020 semester as a measure to combat the potential spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

“We are doing everything possible to preserve the health and safety of students and employees,” said KCC’s president, Michael Boyd. “I’m very thankful for the willingness of faculty and students to pull together and find ways to persevere. It’s going to take some more time. We will get through it. Our goal remains unchanged as we work to help our students successfully complete this semester on-time.”

After extending Spring Break by one week, KCC students will participate in courses online beginning March 23.

“We know that professors are communicating with students and that will be a key to their success,” said Kari Nugent, director of marketing and public relations. College services such as registration, advising, counseling and tutoring are also available, online or by phone.

With the exception of online offerings, non-credit classes in Continuing Education, Adult Education and GED preparation are also canceled through the end of the Spring 2020 semester. The college also is canceling or postponing all events planned between now and May 14.

The college’s commencement ceremonies are planned for May 16, and KCC is still considering its options for that event, Nugent said.