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Happy times at Bradley parade

Happy times at Bradley parade

Lights and cheer along packed route

Happy times at Bradley parade

Posted On: 12/05/19

A group of 43 KCC faculty, staff and their families participated in the 2019 Bradley Christmas Parade on Dec. 6.

KCC Auto Professor Chris Spracklin captained the KCC van with a spectacular elf hat and twinkle in his eyes. The Cavalier mascot joined the group and delighted the crowds along the route. Other KCC people carried signs, gave out candy and generally lit up the route with holiday joy.

It was the third consecutive year that KCC and its faculty association have been part of Bradley's lighted parade. Lead organizers for KCC this year were Michelle Argento of KCC's Recruitment Office; Kendra Souligne of the Financial Aid Office; and Jessica Reardanz-Friedericks, representing faculty.