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Health Insurance and Wellness Fair offered

Health Insurance and Wellness Fair offered

Free event is Saturday Nov. 9

Health Insurance and Wellness Fair offered

Posted On: 10/29/19

On Saturday, Nov. 9 at the Lisieux Pastoral Center, 371 St. Joseph Avenue in Kankakee, representatives from the Illinois Department of Insurance, Get Covered Illinois, and other agencies will be on-hand to share information about health insurance options including Medicaid and private plans.

Riverside Healthcare, AMITA Health St. Mary’s Hospital Kankakee, and other local organizations will be present to provide helpful guides and FREE health screenings including blood pressure, cholesterol, lung, glucose, and more.

Rep. Lindsay Parkhurst and her staff will also be there to discuss legislation and views on state issues.

For more information, view an event flier in English or Spanish

This is not a KCC-sponsored event. The information is being shared as a public service.