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Retirement Planning Class

Retirement Planning Class

Learn tax efficient planned giving

Retirement Planning Class

Posted On: 10/04/19

Kankakee Community College is offering a one-hour Retirement Planning course to share various strategies for tax efficient planned giving.

Participants will learn how to make advance charitable giving decisions using the most effective tax methodology. Congress's proposed new law "The Secure Act," will be discussed, along with its potential impact to the “legacy strategy” of individual donations.

The presenter is Mark Smith, C.P.A./P.F.S., wealth advisor for Buckingham Strategic Wealth in Bourbonnais. He has been an accountant and financial planner in the Kankakee area for more than four decades.

The class will meet from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 10 at KCC in Room D124. Cost is $20.

This course does not award college credit. Online registration is available. At kcc.edu/comejoinus, sign up or login, then select the course, click on the date and add it to your cart. Within the cart, checkout. To register by phone, or for more information, phone 815-802-8207.