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Microsoft Office Certificate available

Microsoft Office Certificate available

Watseka location offers certification

Microsoft Office Certificate available

Posted On: 07/30/19

Kankakee Community College’s Harold and Jean Miner South Extension Center in Watseka is offering Microsoft Office Suite Certification training. 

The certificate program includes five eight-week classes. It can be completed in three semesters.

The upcoming schedule is:

  • Word (COSC 1352) and PowerPoint (COSC 1341) -  Fall 2019, beginning Oct. 14. 
  • Access (COSC 1362) and Excel (COSC 1372)- Spring 2020 semester
  • Microsoft Office Suite Integration (COSC 1382)- Summer 2020 term

For Fall 2019, registration must be completed before Sept. 6 for financial aid consideration.

Upon completion, students may satisfy requirements for a particular position within the business microcomputer application field. The coursework also can be applied toward an Advanced Certificate in Office Assistant and an Associate in Applied Science Office Professional degree.

For more information, phone or email Nancy Schunke at 815-802-8784 or nschunke@kcc.edu; or stop by the KCC South Extension Center, 1488 E. Walnut St in Watseka.