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LLI info session Spring 2019

LLI info session Spring 2019

Learn about upcoming classes

LLI info session Spring 2019

Posted On: 03/12/19

An information session for spring courses designed for active senior citizens will be 10 a.m. - noon Friday, March 29 in the Iroquois Room at Kankakee Community College.

There will be 33 classes offered as part of the KCC Lifelong Learning Institute, which offers non-credit, continuing education learning on different intellectual and cultural topics.

On March 29, registration and course information will be available. The event is free and open to the public. Lifelong Learning Institute classes are open to people ages 50 and older. More information is at www.kcc.edu/LLI.

“Taking classes for the joy of learning … no tests, no homework!” said Linda Klette, a volunteer and president of the Lifelong Learning Advisory Committee. “What a perfect way to enjoy retirement.”

Sessions vary from a few hours to several meetings. Prices also vary, and more than 20 of the classes are $20 or less. 

Directions are at www.kcc.edu/directions/. To be on the program mailing list, email mposing@kcc.edu or phone 815-802-8206.

Pictured at left above is Willie Dixon presenting Origins of Jazz.

Pictured at right, above, are Vicki Gardner with class participants (left to right) Jan Richley and Birdie Stevenson. Gardner presented information on a trip to Russia.