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Black History Month Workshop

Black History Month Workshop

Event is Feb.19

Black History Month Workshop

Posted On: 02/11/19

KCC will celebrate Black History Month with a workshop, “Securing Academic Success: A Guide for Students of Color,” on Tuesday, Feb. 19 from 11 a.m. - noon in the lower level of KCC’s Miner Memorial library.

This event is free and the public is invited.

Jorge Tennin will discuss how you can access the resources available to become a successful college student. Get the tools you need to connect with faculty and staff. Students will walk away from this workshop feeling empowered and increase their ability in self-advocacy.

Tennin is originally from Rockford, where he grew up in a challenging neighborhood and environment. He learned to survive and adjust to the culture he lived in. Though he faced many barriers, Tennin said strength and the love of his mother, were keys to his perseverance.

Currently, Tennin serves as director of student activities at the College of Lake County. He has an associate degree from Rock Valley College, and bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Northern Illinois University in DeKalb. He is completing a dissertation for a doctorate in adult and higher education from NIU. His passion is assisting African-American males in being successful while pursuing an education. Tennin says that he simply wants to create a path of success for them, encouragement and a sense of belonging!

For more information about the event Feb. 19, phone KCC’s Student Life Office at 815-802-8628.