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H.S. equivalency classes now accepting students

H.S. equivalency classes now accepting students

Contact KCC now for an orientation session

H.S. equivalency classes now accepting students

Posted On: 01/16/19

Orientation appointments are now being accepted for Spring 2019 high school equivalency/General Educational Development (GED) classes offered at Kankakee Community College.

Program orientations are required before enrollment. Classes begin in February and March, and there is no cost to the student.

Classes are designed for students at least 16 years of age who are not enrolled in the school system. KCC offers the classes as preparation for taking a high school equivalency exam, including the GED.

To register for an orientation, email gbeglau@kcc.edu or phone 815-802-8300. Orientations and classes are held at these locations:

  • Kankakee Community College, 100 College Drive, off River Road, in Kankakee, Room L30A and Room L30B. Morning, afternoon and evening classes are offered.
  • KCC Miner South Extension Center, 1488 E. Walnut St., Watseka. Morning and evening classes are offered.
  • First United Methodist Church of Momence, 111 W. Fourth St., Momence. Evening classes are offered.
  • GED online, email GED@kcc.edu for information.

For more information about preparing for the GED, contact the program coordinator at gbeglau@kcc.edu or phone 815-802-8300.

Shown above, Gustavo Flores of Bourbonnais and Madison Morrison of Bradley.