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KCC employees honored for service

KCC employees honored for service

Posted On: 11/21/18

On Nov. 16, Kankakee Community College held a recognition ceremony to honor 31 employees for service at the college.

Sharon Hoogstraat of Danforth was honored for 35 years of service. Hoogstraat started at KCC on Nov. 15, 1983. She is currently an administrative assistant IV for the Student Services Department.

“Sharon is committed to stable values such as honesty and loyalty, seeks areas of agreement among others, finds satisfaction in working hard with colleagues to achieve a goal, takes serious care in making decisions, and regularly recognizes the potential in others,” said Julia Waskosky, recently retired dean of student development. “It was reassuring to know Sharon understood her role as a representative of my office. She was always kind and respectful to students, faculty and staff.”

Others honored were:

Twenty-five years of employment, since 1993 – Todd Post, director of athletics and head baseball coach, Athletics Department.

Twenty years of employment, since 1998 – Kris Condon, professor, continuing education and career Services; and program coordinator of Paralegal Program in Business/Technology Division. Deb Hoyer-Denson, assistant director, Continuing Education and Career Services Office.

Fifteen years of employment, since 2003 – Cierra Davis, Steve DePasquale, Juli Gereg, Frances Hebert, Ken Mager and Dana Washington.

Ten years of employment, since 2008 – John Bordeau, Diane Buswell, Judy Downey, Liz East, Rob Kenney, Meredith Purcell, Rich Soderquist, Mary Steichen and Michelle Weishaar.

Five years of employment, since 2013 – Eddie Anderson, Mark Anderson, Dawn Bennett, Jacqueline Billings, Kevin East, Jennifer Huggins, Roger Koerner, Mary Kyrouac, Vanessa Lopez, Sarah Reyling, Stephenie Rayman and Chris Schilling.

The college’s President’s Award was given to Francesca Catalano, associate dean of the Math, Science and Engineering Division. The award recognizes determination, loyalty and commitment to the college.