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Paralegal program activities get recognized

Paralegal program activities get recognized

Posted On: 11/15/18

Kankakee Community College’s Paralegal/Legal Assistant Studies Law Week programming has received a national honor as a finalist for the American Bar Association Outstanding Law Day Activity Award.

“Their selection committee cited our ‘Balancing the Branches’ county panel discussion, our Passport to Civics Fair, and our Trivia Challenge benefiting Prairie State Legal Services as examples of quality Law Week programming,” said Dr. Kristine Condon, KCC professor and Paralegal/Legal Assistant program coordinator.

As a finalist, the program is acknowledged on the Law Day website, www.lawday.org and will be included in the Law Day 2019 Planning Guide.

“While we weren’t named an award winner, I’m happy to finish nationally against groups like the federal court in Guam, and blue-chip, Washington, DC-based law firms,” Condon said. “Of the 12 national finalists, KCC was the only institution of higher learning selected nationwide. We may be tiny, but indeed we are mighty!”
The Law Week Committee collaborates with judiciary and bar associations and the program advisory committee to develop activities, Condon noted.

KCC’s Law Week activities were held in early May around Law Day, which helps foster an understanding of legal professions and celebrates the role of law is our society.

KCC’s Paralegal/Legal Assistant Studies program is approved by the American Bar Association. Two degrees are offered through KCC’s program, a two-year associate degree program for those who plan to immediately enter the workforce or to transfer into a four-year bachelor’s degree program and an advanced certificate for those already holding a bachelor’s degree.

The college has established partnership agreements for paralegal graduates with Calumet College of St. Joseph in Indiana, Governors State University in University Park, Illinois State University in Normal, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, and St. Mary-of-the-Woods in Indiana.

The 36 credit-hour advanced certificate program is designed for those who hold a bachelor’s degree to complete training in appropriate areas such as writing and relevant computer applications to enhance their college coursework.

Both programs in Paralegal/Legal Assistant Studies include intensive training in writing and current technology, as well as a required internship at a law firm or other legal organization.

For more information on the Paralegal/Legal Assistant Studies program at KCC, phone Condon at 815-802-8216 or e-mail kcondon@kcc.edu.