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'Photovoice' project connects veterans

'Photovoice' project connects veterans

Posted On: 11/12/18

A new article and video from the Movember Foundation features KCC student-veterans who are making connections with each other.

The article describes “Making Connections for Mental Health and Wellbeing among Men and Boys,” an initiative funded by Movember and delivered in partnership with Prevention Institute to places including KCC.

The video focuses on Robert Perez and the “PhotoVoice” component of the initiative, including KCC students and how they shows how they build connections at the college. Please note: The video includes content which some people might find disturbing.

KCC has a number of services for veterans, including a Veteran’s Association and services offered through the Office of Financial Aid.

Related event: Veteran’s Association Movember Fundraiser (Nov. 29).

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Kankakee Community College is an accredited two-year college which awards associate degrees and certificates of completion. KCC prepares students both to transfer to four-year colleges and to enter the workforce. The college also offers continuing education courses and certification training, literacy programs, English as a Second Language and GED preparation. The KCC mission is “Enhancing quality of life through learning.” The college has a Riverfront Campus in Kankakee, South Extension Center in Watseka, North Extension Center in Bradley and Manufacturing and Industrial Technology Center in Kankakee.


More KCC news and photos are available at our Newsroom, and on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Official college logos are available online.

Kari Nugent
Director of marketing and public relations