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Seminar: 1st Six Sessions of Therapy

Seminar: 1st Six Sessions of Therapy

Posted On: 08/22/18

The Continuing Education Department at Kankakee Community College is offering a seminar for social workers and counselors in September.

“The First Six Session of Therapy” is designed to help practitioners increase first session attendance, engage clients in the first five minutes of contact, and increase attendance in future sessions.

The presenter, Mark Sanders, said there is research which shows that clients make the most progress in the first six weeks of counseling, but most are no-shows at the second session. The seminar is designed to help turn around those statistics.

Topics will include feedback informed counseling, behavioral couples counseling, motivational incentives and stage-based incentives. Sanders also will share information on how to accelerate progress through tasks and overcome resistance within the first three sessions of counseling.

Sanders is an author and speaker on behavioral health issues. His presentations have reached thousands throughout the U.S., Europe, Canada, the Caribbean and British Islands.

The seminar meets Friday, Sept. 14 from 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. at KCC in the Iroquois Room. Course no. is HLTH 438A.A13. Cost is $79, and includes handouts and 6 contact hours for nurses, nursing home administrators, social workers and counselors.

This course does not award college credit. To register or for more information. Call 815-802-8207; go to www.kcc.edu/comejoinus (choose KCC Connect and search by course number); or visit the Welcome Center, located on the first floor of the KCC Workforce Development Center.