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Seminar: Infectious Diseases

Seminar: Infectious Diseases

Posted On: 08/18/18

The Continuing Education Department at Kankakee Community College is offering a seminar on infectious diseases for health care professionals.

The “Shampoos, Tattoos & Barbeques” seminar will offer an up-to-the minute update on issues in infectious diseases.

The presenter, Barb Bancroft, will share information about new vaccines, diseases and drugs. Bancroft also will review eight new trends, including global warming and travel; bioterrorism; blood-borne illnesses; and infectious agents and their relationship to acute and chronic disease.

The session meets Thursday, Sept. 20 form 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. at KCC in the Auditorium. Course no. is HLTH 394A.A13. Cost is $79, and includes materials and six contact hours for respiratory care technicians, nurses, and nursing home administrators. Contact hours will be awarded following successful attendance at the event.

This course does not award college credit. To register or for more information. Call 815-802-8207; go to www.kcc.edu/comejoinus (choose KCC Connect and search by course number); or visit the Welcome Center, located on the first floor of the KCC Workforce Development Center.