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Perfect streak continues for X-ray program

Perfect streak continues for X-ray program

Posted On: 07/19/18

For the 11th consecutive year, Kankakee Community College graduates have a 100 percent pass rate on the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists National Certification Examination.

The 14 graduates in the class of 2018 took the test between May and July. National comparison information will be available in January. Since 2013, the national pass rates have ranged from 87.2 percent to 93.3 percent.

Those who pass the test carry the credentials of Registered Radiologic Technologist.
Candidates were required to earn a minimum mean scaled score of 75 to pass, and KCC’s graduates had scores ranging from 75 to 93, said Darla Jepson, director of KCC’s Radiography Program.

KCC offers a two-year associate degree in radiography, which trains students for careers in radiologic technology. In addition to being eligible for the AART certification exam, graduates are also automatically eligible for a license with the Illinois Emergency Management Agency, Division of Nuclear Safety.

For more information about KCC’s Radiography Program, contact Jepson at djepson@kcc.edu or 815-802-8832.