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WEI bridges workforce gaps in Illinois

WEI bridges workforce gaps in Illinois

Posted On: 11/12/24

The community colleges of Illinois deliver strong workforce outcomes for the state.

The Workforce Equity Initiative is a grant program that expands skills training and support to at-risk communities while addressing the workforce gaps in Illinois. Through WEI, 18 community colleges are providing individuals with short-term training for in-demand fields with the goal for them to obtain a job within one year which earns 30% above the living wage.

Workforce Equity Initiative Impact

  • Since 2019 when it began, over 12,711 students have enrolled at Illinois community colleges in the WEI program. Of those students, over 9,204 (72%) are African-American.
  • Illinois community colleges offer over 120 high-demand training programs through WEI that lead to careers in healthcare, information technology, manufacturing, construction, transportation and business.
  • WEI has achieved a 67% employment rate, with over 5,000 students employed with jobs paying above life sustaining wages.

Source: https://www.illinoiswei.org/

The colleges which currently offer programs through WEI are: Black Hawk College, Harold Washington College, Heartland Community College, Illinois Central College, Joliet Junior College, Kaskaskia College, Kennedy-King College, Lincoln Land Community College, Malcolm X College, Oakton College, Olive-Harvey College, Parkland College, Prairie State College, Richard J. Daley College, Richland Community College, Rock Valley College, South Suburban College, Southwestern Illinois College, Triton College and Wilbur Wright College.


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The Fall 2024 information series highlights programs offered at Illinois community colleges, where community support can expand access to higher education and foster a skilled workforce.

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