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Explore 'Time & Resolutions'

Explore 'Time & Resolutions'

Posted On: 01/24/24

The calendar turned to 2024. Millions of people embarked on the annual tradition of setting New Year resolutions.

A  panel of Kankakee Community College faculty members will dive into this annual ritual related to time and resolutions from 2-3 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 30. The event is free.

  • Why do people make resolutions in January?
  • What is it about a "new year" that prompts this?
  • How do we perceive time, and how does it impact our sense of self?
  • How does it impact our mental health?

KCC faculty panelists will be Ken West, Jenny Pecora, Keith Stevenson and Cari Stevenson. Each will explore the topics from their disciplines of philosophy, English and psychology.

Students, faculty, staff, and community members are all welcome to attend and join the discussion. The event is in Room L355 on KCC's Riverfront Campus, 100 College Drive in Kankakee.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash.