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Multiple positions open with new employer

Multiple positions open with new employer

Posted On: 01/10/24

Gotion, Inc. will hold two local job fairs next week to recruit workers for the electric vehicle battery manufacturing plant to be located in Manteno.

Gotion has positions in all employment segments, not just manufacturing positions. They are looking for a variety of skill sets, said Annie Quach a member of the Gotion Recruiting Team.

The first job fair event, on Jan. 17 is aimed at KCC students, although all job seekers can attend. It will be Wednesday, Jan. 17 from 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. in Room L355 on the college’s Riverfront Campus, 100 College Drive in Kankakee.

The second job fair event, on Jan. 18, is open to all community members. It will be Thursday, Jan. 18, from 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at the KCC North Extension Center, 450 N. Kinzie Ave. in Bradley.

At the job fairs, Gotion representatives will accept resumes, and briefly talk with each candidate. Additionally, those in attendance will be asked to fill out an information sheet so the recruiting team can reach out to qualified candidates for full interviews at a later date. 

Gotion plans to hire 2,600 employees between now and the end of 2025, according to the village of Manteno website. Pay for these jobs will be 120% of the average wage of similar job classifications in Kankakee County, according to the website.

“We are committed to this community and are first seeking to hire people from within the region close to Manteno,” Quach said. 

Anyone not available to attend the job fairs is invited to submit a resume to Recruiting_NA@gotion.com.